Henrique Ennes


Inria Centre at Université Côte d'Azur, 2004 Rte des Lucioles
Byron 311
Valbonne, France

Computer Science PhD student in Algorithmic Quantum Topology at INRIA Université Côte d'Azur, advised by Clément Maria and Nicolas Nisse.
Former Mathematical Modeling Master's student at FGV-EMAp advised by Raphaël Tinarrage and César Camacho.
Graduated from Whitman College in Mathematics and Physics.
I also collaborate as a data scientist at FGV CERI.
My latest CV.
My codes can be all found in Github.


Most of my interest lies within topology, algebra and geometry, and their applications to classical and quantum complexity theory. I also love statistics and machine learning, both theoretical and applied, so you can find me tackling some problems in these fields now and then!

Algorithmic quantum topology: knots and 3-manifolds, quantum invariants, combinatorial group theory

Foundations of data science: topological data analysis (TDA), group invariant tasks in machine learning, manifold learning

Mathematical modeling: statistics and machine learning modeling, natural language processing (NLP), extreme value theory (EVT)

Publications and preprints

Empirical analysis of Biding Precedent efficiency in the Brazilian Supreme Court via Similar Case Retrieval, with Raphaël Tinarrage , Lucas E. Resck, Lucas T. Gomes, Jean R. Ponciano, Jorge Poco. 2024. Preprint. We assess the impact of binding precedents on the workload of the Brazilian Supreme Court, through time series of similar cases, and discuss the underlying legal mechanisms.

LieDetect: Detection of representation orbits of compact Lie groups from point clouds, with Raphaël Tinarrage. 2023. Preprint. An algorithm for the estimation of orbits of linear representations of Lie groups from finite samples, allowing to retrieve the precise representation as a sum of irreps.

Two-body bound states through yukawa forces and perspectives on hydrogen and deuterium, with Moira Gresham and Alexander Shaw. 2021. American Journal of Physics, 89(5):511–520, 2021. Numerical solutions to the two-body quantum bound state problem with Yukawa potential.

Papers in conferences

28 Jul 2024 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 9th Latin American Energy Economics Meeting (ELAEE). Cost Benefit Analysis for Investments in Power Grid Resilience - A Guide.With Edson Daniel Lopes Gonçalves, Joisa Dutra, Rafael Souza.
12 Jun 2023 Rome, Italy. 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution. Measuring the Power Grid Resilience: A Case Study Applied to Brazilian Distribution Companies.With Joisa Dutra, Rafael Souza, Rafael Gomes, Lucas Amaro, Camila Albertin.


2 May 2024 Porquerolles, France. DataShape Yearly Seminar. From Fields to Topology: Constructing TQFT invariants through Physics.
31 Jan 2024 Sophia Antipolis, France. DataShape Seminar. Detection of Representation Orbits of Compact Lie Groups from Point Clouds.
31 Jul 2023 Kyoto, Japan. TDA Week. Poster: Detection of compact Lie group representations in point clouds and image data.
16 Mar 2023 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Transforming the Role of International Courts and Tribunals in a New Era of Adjudication. Debator.


Sep 2023 - Dec 2023

Introduction to Mathematical Modelling Applied to Law. Direito FGV (in Portuguese).
